Full Supported Certificates List

List of supported Certificates under essCert API belt.

There is a number of certificates based on countries that are supported by essCert product and API. Here are the certificates grouped by Region/Country alongside the general one.


ATR / ATR1 certificateATR / ATR1It is used for the movement of goods between the European Union and Turkey.

An ATR certifies that the goods have been brought into free circulation in either the EU or Turkey and have therefore already gone through all import procedures.

An ATR is not a certificate of origin.
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Free declarationBSE Free CertificateIt is required for foods and food additives containing ruminants and by-products of ruminants (except for milk and dairy products and collagen casing).

It declares that the ingredients used in the products listed on the certificate do not contain any prohibited materials and that the manufacturing process and packaging are equally free of contamination.
Certificate of OriginCOIt is an important international trade document that certifies that goods in a particular export shipment are wholly obtained, produced, manufactured, or processed in a particular country. They declare the ‘nationality’ of the product and also serve as a declaration by the exporter to satisfy customs or trade requirements.
EUR1 movement certificateEUR certIt is used to support claims for preferential (usually zero) rates of duty in the country of importation within the EU or other export countries with a Free Trade Agreement with the EU.
EUR-MED movement certificateEUR-MED certIt is used to move goods between countries of the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean cumulation.
European Community certificate of originEC COis issued for goods that are being sold and permanently exported to non-Arab countries as well as Egypt and Iran.
Generalized System of Preferences Form AGSP Form AIt is required to validate claims for preferential duty treatment (a reduced or duty-free entry)
Miscellaneous certificateMiscThis option is used by a client when the certificate they are looking for is not available in our library.


Arab-British / Irish certificate of originArab COIt is issued for goods that are being sold and permanently exported to Arab League countries.


Argentina certificate of originAR COIt is used to prove the origin of the goods exported from Argentina and the recipient of the goods would benefit from the application of the preferential rates of customs duty in the country in which the goods will be imported


Australia certificate of originAU COIt is used to specify goods that have been grown, produced, or manufactured in Australia.
Australia-Chile Free Trade AgreementACl-FTAIt reduces or eliminates barriers to trade in goods between Chile and Australia.
Australia certified declaration of originAU DOIt verifies the origin of goods manufactured outside Australia and or combined in a shipment with Australian originating products
AIG Certified declaration of originAIG DOThe Australian Industry Group has the authority to issue Certificates of Origin for all of Australia's Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), and our experienced Export Documentation Team can help you to understand how to comply with the rules for your product. We can also help with documents for countries without Free Trade Agreements and other export documents such as Letters of Free Sale.
AIG certificate of Australian originAIG COThe Australian Industry Group has the authority to issue Certificates of Origin for all of Australia's Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), and our experienced Export Documentation Team can help you to understand how to comply with the rules for your product. We can also help with documents for countries without Free Trade Agreements and other export documents such as Letters of Free Sale.
China-Australia Free Trade Agreement certificate of originChAFTAIt is documentary evidence that goods originate in Australia or China in accordance with the provisions of the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement, eliminating or reducing barriers to trade in goods between Australia and our largest trading partner, China.

One of the immediate benefits of ChAFTA for exporters of goods is the rapid reductions or complete elimination of tariffs across a wide range of products.
Indonesia–Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership AgreementIA-CEPAIt creates a framework for Australia and Indonesia to unlock the vast potential of the bilateral economic partnership, fostering economic cooperation between businesses, communities, and individuals.
Japan Australia Economic Partnership AgreementJAEPAIt is used to reduce or eliminate the barriers of trade in goods between the second-largest trading partner, Japan, and Australia.
Korea-Australian Free Trade AgreementKAFTAIt is used to eliminate barriers to trade in goods between Korea and Australia.
Malaysia-Australia Free Trade AgreementMAFTAThe Agreement opens avenues for Australian goods and services into the dynamic Malaysian market. It provides for extensive tariff liberalization commitments by Malaysia and Australia
Peru-Australia Free Trade AgreementPAFTAThis trade agreement provides Australian businesses a gateway to Latin America, strengthening our economic relationships within the region and helping facilitate value chains between Americas and Asia
Singapore-Australia free trade agreementSAFTAIt is a central pillar of the economic relationship with Singapore, Australia's largest trade and investment partner in South-East Asia.

In addition to tariff elimination, the Agreement improves increased market access for Australian exporters of services, particularly education, environmental, telecommunications, and professional services. It also provides a more open and predictable business environment across a range of areas, including competition policy, government procurement, intellectual property, e-commerce, customs procedures, and business travel.
Thailand-Australia free trade agreement certificate of originTAFTAIt reduces or eliminates barriers to trade in goods between Thailand and Australia.

Australian businesses intending to export Australian origin goods to Thailand or importing Thailand origin goods for sale in Australia can benefit from this documentary evidence.


Ireland certificate of originIE COIt is used to prove the origin of the goods exported from Ireland and the recipient of the goods would benefit from the application of the preferential rates of customs duty in the country in which the goods will be imported


Latvia certificate of originLV COIt is used to prove the origin of the goods exported from Latvia and the recipient of the goods would benefit from the application of the preferential rates of customs duty in the country in which the goods will be imported

New Zealand

New Zealand – China free trade agreementNZCFTAIt is used to import goods in New Zealand from China and exports to China from New Zealand


Slovenia United Kingdom certificate of originSI COIt is used to prove the origin of the goods exported from Slovenia and the recipient of the goods would benefit from the application of the preferential rates of customs duty in the country in which the goods will be imported


Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific PartnershipCPTPPIt is a United Kingdom formal accession request to the comprehensive and progressive agreement for trans-pacific partnership.
United Kingdom certificate of originUK COIt is issued for goods that are being sold and permanently exported to non-Arab countries as well as Egypt and Iran.


Dominican Republic-Central America free trade agreementCAFTA-DRIt is the first free trade agreement between the United States and a group of smaller developing economies: our Central American neighbors Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, as well as the Dominican Republic.

It promotes stronger trade and investment ties, prosperity, and stability throughout the region and along our Southern border.
US-Mexico-Canada AgreementUSMCAIt is implemented to promote trade between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

The agreement eliminates most tariffs on trade between the three countries.